Welcome to the Mangeruca genealogical research page

My name is Mike Mangiaruca...ah, you noticed the

difference in the spelling.

My Grandfather's birth certificate has 3 different spellings for the surname on it.

Mangiaruca, Mangiaruga, and Mangeruca

and as I have been going through the records for Africo, Reggio Calabria, Italy

I have found all 3 spellings on different certificates.

Sometimes the spelling will be different from father to son.

Currently most of the family I have located in Italy, France and Australia

use the spelling Mangeruca.

Want to see the list of names in the family

I have found so far ?

The spellings of the surnames are as they appear on the

Birth or Marriage certificates I have seen.

libtbtn.gif (755 bytes) CLICK HERE

to see the Mangeruca family tree

or libtbtn.gif (755 bytes) CLICK HERE to see my personal line

libtbtn.gif (755 bytes) CLICK HERE

to see the Birth Records for Africo

1866 to 1899

libtbtn.gif (755 bytes) CLICK HERE

to see the Birth Records I extracted with our

surname from Santo Stefano D'Aspromonte (RC)

1820 to 1865

libtbtn.gif (755 bytes) CLICK HERE

to see the marriages in Africo (RC)

from 1866 to 1910

Home Page of Leonardo Mangeruca


I want to extend a special thank you to my cousins

Giuseppe and Pietro Maviglia for the special help they gave
me in my research.

And to my cousins in Australia and Italy.

I am dedicating my work on this site to the memory of

my grandparents :

Francesco Mangeruca and Rosa Marotta Mangeruca


Mangeruca surname:

The family name of Mangeruca was first recorded in Italy in the early fifteenth centrury. First recorded in Rome, Italy, according to "Rietstap's Armorial General & Dictionary of Names", the name could only have derived from Scandanavian (Danish) origin. During the period 400-500 a.d., these Nordic warriors, mostly from Schleswig, made plundering raids (described as "Migratory Invasions' by more charitable historians than Rietstap) on most countries of the then-known world. consequently their influence on the origins of names in both europe and to a slightly lesser degreee in Britain, was considerable and widespread.

The armorial bearings to Mangeruca were granted in L'Auila in the sixteenth century. The name held Civic Status in France in the 17th century.


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